Additional information
Aandrijving | Electric |
Hefcapaciteit | |
Merk | |
Werkhoogte | 4-6 meter |
This low-access platform for single use can be used for work up to a working height up to five meters. It is the perfect solution for working safely at low heights and can be used for many activities such as order picking, installation or maintenance work and internal transport.
With its low self weight and compact design it was designed for narrow aisles as well as the retail environment.This platform will increase safety and efficency whereever goods have to be picked or stored in shelfes and racks. Work injuries during maintenance work in larger hights can be reduced compared to ladders due to the high stability, the possibility to reposition while man up and the large driver & storage compartment.
The platform reaches a speed of 6 km per hour, the fastest of its kind. Another unique feature is that this platform can fall or rise while driving. The speed will then be lower. It rides best on slippery floors and is only suitable for indoor use. Thanks to the narrow chassis, they fit through standard door posts and thanks to the low weight, this platform can be used in a passenger lift.
The side panels can be painted in any desired color, free of charge.
Are you looking for a platform with a higher reach? Have a look at our vertical lifts.
Aandrijving | Electric |
Hefcapaciteit | |
Merk | |
Werkhoogte | 4-6 meter |
Alp Lift B.V.
De Heldinnenlaan 211 A
3543 MB Utrecht
the Netherlands
T: +31 (0)30 6621166
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 07:00 – 17:30
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